A Brief History of Caravel Ships
Written by George R. Schwarz |

A Short Introduction to the Caravel
Iberian workhorse known as the caravel was one of
the most important ships not only in Iberian
history, but in the history of the world.
The caravel was a vessel of paramount importance in
the 15th and 16th centuries, when it was used to
traverse the immense barrier to the New World.
During these centuries, the caravel was a ship with
a distinctive shape and admirable qualities. A
gently sloping bow and single stern castle were
prominent features of this craft, and it carried a
mainmast and a mizzen mast that were generally
lateen-rigged. Along with its shallow draft and
ability to sail windward, these qualities helped the
caravel achieve fame as it was propelled across the
Atlantic and southward along the rocky western coast
of Africa.
This is the vessel that was used for the majority of
transatlantic exploration as well as other famous
expeditions, such as the numerous journeys made to
circumnavigate South Africa in attempts to reach
India during the Age of Discovery. Popular explorers
such as Bartolome Diaz, Vasco da Gama, and
Christopher Columbus relied on the caravel in their
many sojourns into the unknown. Why did they choose
this diminutive vessel, with humble origins in the
13th century as a coastal fishing boat, for the
vanguard into the New World and other unexplored
realms? This answer to this question involves
intensive research of a variety of sources. From the
perspective of nautical archaeology, far too little
is known about this amazing exploratory vessel, for
there is no archaeological evidence (in terms of
extant hull remains) to rely on. What must be
studied and interpreted instead are historical
documents, the iconographic record, archaeology of
similarly built craft, ethnographic parallels, and
the few remaining shipbuilding treatises that deal
with caravels and Iberian shipbuilding.
site is dedicated to obtaining a clearer picture of
the caravel, and will investigate many sources in
order to clarify some of the research questions
about this ship and Iberian ship construction in
general. Consequently, aspects of maritime activity
and seafaring life in general during the 15th and
16th centuries will be brought to light. The pages
contained in this site show examples of the type of
scholarly research that is entailed in this
objective. The site will be under construction
indefinitely, new information being added frequently
as it becomes available.
History of the Caravel
caravel of the 15th and 16th centuries was a ship
with a distinctive shape and admirable qualities. A
gently sloping bow and single stern castle were
prominent features of this vessel, and it carried a
mainmast and a mizzen mast that were generally
lateen-rigged. Although the caravel had already been
in use for hundreds of years, it developed into an
incredibly fast, easily maneuverable vessel by this
time, which was noticed by eminent people. This
extraordinary vessel gained fame with the Portuguese
and Spanish voyages of discovery. As Inigo Arieta
(who escorted Columbus out to sea in 1492), the
Commander of the Biscay fleet put it, caravels were
‘’corredoras extremadas, buenas para descubrir
tierras (1).” Columbus’s ships Niña and Pinta were
supposedly caravels, and Columbus repeatedly praised
his favorite ship, Niña, for her great speed,
maneuverability, and safety (2). However, as is
evident in the historical record, not all caravels
were designed the same way, and many changes were
made throughout the history and development of the
ship. In essence, it is hard to define the ‘pure’
archetypal caravel (3).
is very little iconography that depicts the caravel
at any stage of its development, and as of yet there
are no extant remains of one of these vessels.
However, it is still possible to trace the origin of
the ship and study it through historical accounts,
shipbuilding treatises, ethnographic studies, and
archaeological parallels. It is the purpose of this
paper to examine these sources, as well as studies
done by various scholars over the years, in order to
present the diagnostic features of 15th and 16th
century Iberian shipbuilding in general and the
caravel in particular.
exact origin of the caravel is a matter of some
debate. There are many possibilities and theories,
but no conclusive evidence to sustain them. That the
caravel was a fishing vessel in the 13th century is
evident from Portuguese records from that period.
However, by examining the etymology of the word
‘caravel’, it may be possible to trace the vessel’s
origin to an earlier time and even another region.
Elbl reports that in the early 13th century, the
term ‘caravel’ was connected to a small ship related
to Muslim Algarvian and Maghrebine models of
lateen-rigged craft made to suit Atlantic sailing
conditions (4). This qârib was well equipped to
travel in shallow waters and was used as a fishing
boat, coaster, and light warship (5). Although
little is known about the technical details of this
small Arab vessel, it had preferred features that
allowed it to transform into progressively larger
forms, much like the caravel. Because the caravel
presumably had some of the same characteristics of
the qârib, some speculate that the word ‘caravel’ is
derived from qârib, and, therefore, the vessel is of
Arabic origin.
and Portuguese scholars, during the nineteenth
century, also sought Roman and Greek terms that
could have spawned the word ‘caravel’. Jal’s
Archéologie navale even suggested an Italian origin
for carabela as cara bella, apparently owing to the
beauty or grace of the vessel (6). Although possible
origins of the word ‘caravel’ were proposed, the
scholars found no references to the design and
construction of the ships that they were attempting
to trace to the 15th-century vessel, except that
they were referred to as small, light vessels with
good sailing capabilities that traded widely inside
and outside the Mediterranean.
all of the uncertainty over the etymology of
‘caravel’, the first mention of the Portuguese
vessel in an official document was its integration
into the English fleet upon its return to Gascony in
1226 (7). By examining the sources in which these
early caravels appear, as well as other contemporary
ships (with regard to tonnage and build), an
indication of the size and capacity of the early
caravels can be found. Early sources, such as the
floral of Vila Nova de Gaia, refer to the caravel as
paying the lowest entry toll on the list (8). By
comparing the caravel with the other ships on the
list, a relatively small size and capacity can be
attributed to this early version of the vessel.
Throughout the centuries, this changed as the
utilization of the caravel also changed.
Although the word caravel may or may not have been
derived from an Arabic term, Islamic influences
definitely shaped the fate of the 15th-and
16th-century caravel. As Muslims conquered various
lands throughout the Mediterranean and Western
world, they borrowed learning from the people they
subjugated. Unlike other conquerors, they did not
simply impose their view of the world on other
nations. They amalgamated their philosophies with
those of other cultures and thus their conception of
the world grew. In this, the Muslims served as
conveyors of ideas received from people they
conquered. They disseminated ideologies from
different cultures and by the end of their reign in
the 13th century the world view was much different
than the popular ideas of Western Europe. A liberal
philosophy induced an enthusiasm for investigation
and examination which changed the basis of Iberian
life (9). Eventually, this spirit of inquiry
compelled the Spanish and Portuguese to explore the
vast oceans that were so integral to their lives.
It is easy to see then, why Prince Henry the
Navigator of Portugal (1394-1460), consumed with
expansionist ideals, chose the caravel as the ship
to carry out the demands of his journey to the West
African coast in the 1440s. Earlier explorers used
barks of about 25 tons, which had a single mast.
They also experimented with the longer and larger
barinels, but neither of these vessels was adequate
for the increasingly longer voyages (15). For these
reasons, the caravel was summoned to perform the
duties of an explorer. Although by the early 15th
century, the caravel had highly admirable qualities,
it was still far from ideal. The main reasons it was
chosen for the exploration of the African coast were
speed and the ability to sail windward. However, the
caravel’s great lateen sail required a large crew,
which was dangerous because the diminutive explorer
could not carry vast amounts of fresh water for a
large band of sailors.
the 15th century, Iberian shipbuilding underwent a
new phase of design, involving an adaptation to the
demands of ships of discovery. To give an idea of
the elevated preparation of shipyards and shipping
of the 15th century, Don João II of Portugal ordered
a nao of 1000 tons to be built, in a time when they
rarely exceeded 300 tons. The keel of this immense
vessel had a length of 31.50 m and it was 50 m
overall (16). There are records of other impressive
ships from Portugal, such as São João of 1533/34,
which was one and a half times the size of the
largest Indian ships (17). Such ambition also called
for changes in the caravel as a ship of discovery.
Rather than using the technical knowledge of naval
architects, these demands were taken on by skilled
craftsman, who were capable of transforming the
geometry of the vessel to suit the requirements of a
sea-going explorer (18).
For Columbus’s expedition in 1492, caravels were
probably chosen as at least two of the accompanying
vessels for the voyage. Santa María, however, is
generally agreed to have been a nau. The Portuguese
retained the lateen sails for their caravels,
because they better suited their purposes on the
African Coast. But by this time in Spain, the
caravel had largely transformed from the caravela
latina to the caravela redonda (19). It was now a
three-masted vessel wielding a square sail on the
mainmast and foremast, and a lateen sail on the
mizzen. As in the case of Columbus’s Pinta, the
caravel could often times be converted from a
lateen-rigged vessel to a square-rigged vessel. This
new sail arrangement provided the necessary
adjustments to make the caravel what was commonly
referred to as the best sailing vessel of its time.
It continued to increase in size, but was still
small enough to be easily maneuvered. As the ship
became heavier, it also became beamier in order to
increase the carrying capacity for each meter of
length (20). The length to breadth ratios were now
likely in the range of 4:1 to 3:1 (21). Its
development over the centuries made it a viable
option for exploration, trading, warfare, and
The Islamic influence affected many subjects which
relate to seafaring—geography, mathematics,
astronomy, and medicine. The transcription of Arab
manuscripts in the 13th century left many of these
philosophies at the seaman’s dispense. Many devices,
such as the astrolabe, compass, and sextant were
applied to seafaring in innovative ways (10). Now
that European nations were immersed in these
philosophies spread by Muslims, many people became
frightened of Muslim influence. Consequently, this
resulted in a demand to increase the centralization
of Christian kingdoms, which helped unite Europe
(11). This collaboration influenced shipbuilding and
led to a fusion of ideas, theories, and methods that
became more and more widespread.
Returning to the 13th-century caravel, a variety of
forms can be seen. It is known from the flora of
Vila Nova that these caravels were small and of
limited capacity. This is understandable,
considering during this period of their development
they were likely primarily fishing vessels. Their
shallow draught and low sides indicate their
usefulness as such a vessel along Atlantic and
Mediterranean coasts. However, it is also
conceivable that these ships were employed for trade
and, therefore, could have been fully decked at this
time. Since many ships during this period were
similar to the caravel in size and rigging, a
tentative comparison can be made with other vessels
regarding tonnage and keel to beam ratios. The
13th-century caravel is surmised to have been a
lateen one-or two-master under thirty tons, with a
keel to beam ratio of 5:1. This is rather high
compared to the ratio of the ship during its last
stages of development in the 17th century, which had
a keel to beam ratio of 2.64:1 (12). These ratios
and tonnages of the 13th-century vessel are very
speculative, but as Elbl notes, 14th century
records—dated AD 1307—from the Biscayan area mention
small caravels with crews of nine men each.
According to Azevedo, these manning ratios (in the
15th century) represent vessels of 18-20 toneis
Although during the 14th century there is little
doubt that caravels continued to be utilized as
fishing and commercial vessels, there is an odd
absence of the ship (in records) which cannot be
easily explained. Caravels are not mentioned in
historical accounts other than the Biscayan records
of 1307, nor are they depicted in the available
iconography of the period. Despite this absence,
there was definitely a shift in the size of caravels
as they took over the functions of another light
Portuguese vessel, the varinel. The varinel, which
resembled the Atlantic balener, was better suited to
sail in the Bay of Biscay than other southern ships
of the same size. This shift may be indicative of
transitions from a coastal vessel to one capable of
faring well in the high seas. By the first half of
the 15th century, this shift was noted in Catalonia.
In an ordinance of 1438 issued by Alfonso the
Magnanimous it is stated: “…we know that the settee
was in other times a light oared vessel and now it
is the heaviest ship, of greater board and capacity
for long voyages; the same for the bark…today it is
taken in general as a vessel of lateen sail that
consists of three masts…(14)” Because of these
reasons, it is plausible to assume that throughout
the 14th century the caravel underwent alterations
that made it somewhat more suitable for ocean
voyages. These alterations included increases in
carrying capacity.
At this point, an examination of various documents
and manuscripts can help describe the practice of
Iberian shipbuilding, for they do not become
available until the 16th century. Until records of
shipbuilding practices were kept, such information
was safeguarded in the minds of skilled masters who
passed on the traditions orally from generation to
generation, and by shared work experience. However,
as Casado Soto points out, the combination of low
life expectancy and the rigid secrecy that was
practiced regarding this specialized knowledge
ensured that these traditions would not survive in
writing (22).
Before the reign of the Christian kings, there was
little mention of shipbuilding in Castilian
documents, and when ships do appear it is usually
only with regard to their names, types, and
occasionally tonnage in “barrels”. However, with the
reign of Charles V and the expansion of foreign
policy, there was an increase in management
techniques. By the time Phillip II became king, the
Spanish bureaucracy reached maturity. During his
reign (1556-1598), he regulated navigation in
convoy, set a standard for mercantile shipbuilding,
and introduced technical specifications that led to
improvements in safety (23). He gave incentive to
shipbuilders by exempting sales tax for the
purchasing of shipbuilding materials. Phillip II
also established an efficient system for measuring
the hulls and capacities of ships, and was the first
European monarch to use a prototype to build ships
for the armadas, choosing the galleon as the model
(24). It is during his reign that the production of
documents recording shipbuilding techniques grew the
The following are some of the
documents that have been published: |
1536, Alonso de Chavez: Espejo de
navegantes (25)
1560, President Visitador: Papeles
1568, Domingo de Busturria: Memorial
1570, Rodrigo Vargas: Apuntamiento
1575, Juan Escalante de Mendoza:
Itinerario de navegación (29)
1581, Crostobal de Barros y otros:
Discución de prototipos de galleon
1587, Diego García de Palacio:
Instrucción nautical (31)
1611, Tomé Cano: Arte para fabricar,
fortificar y aparejar naos (32)
These documents are useful tools for studying
the history of shipbuilding, but caution must be
taken when interpreting them. The various authors
were influenced by their professions and the extent
of their experience in shipbuilding is largely
unknown. Nevertheless, they give information on raw
materials needed for shipbuilding, as well as
dimension and tonnage of ships.
Manuscripts and treatises concerning shipbuilding
during this period may be more helpful in
understanding how Iberian ships were constructed.
There are three in particular that deserve
attention: Instrucción nautical (33), Liuro da
fabrica das naos (34), and Livro de traças de
carpintaria (35). To learn more about these
manuscripts, visit the shipbuilding treatises page
on this website.Existing Caravel Iconography
What we know about the physical appearance of the
caravel--including the shape of its hull, the slope
of the bow, how it rides in the water, etc.--is
severely limited to iconographic representation from
the era under examination. This is a mixed blessing,
since without these remnants from the past we would
have no visual aid for what this vessel looked like.
However, as with all artists' renditions, there
exists the possibility of inaccuracy due to
ignorance, misinterpretation of data, or personal
embellishment. Thus, although the value of
iconographic representations of ancient ships can be
inestimable, they must be studied carefully and with
a critical eye.
The following images are a compilation of much of
the existing graphic representations of the caravel.
The first ten are some of the depictions that
contain the most prominent features of the vessel,
and short descriptions have been included below the
1. Caravels from the signatures of 15th-century
Portuguese fishermen

On 5 December 1488 master Joao de Liao signed an
order for a supply of biscuits which were bound for
Pero Vaz da Cunha's caravel. Accompanying his
signature is a drawing of a small sailing vessel.
Presumably, this craft is the caravel to which these
supplies were to be sent. This being the case, this
drawing provided by Joao de Liao is the first known
representation of a Portuguese caravel. Three other
signatures of fisherman from Puerto de Santa Maria
likewise contain simple depictions of vessels from
this period, and are likened to the caravel from the
signature of Joao de Liao. The vessels have low
freeboards, delicately sloping bows, single
forecastles, and are single-masted with lateen
rigged sails. Although these depictions provide
little along the lines of structural
characteristics, these rudimentary sketches
nevertheless contribute to our perceptions of early
caravels with regard to shape and primary traits
that the artists attributed to the ships.
2. Caravel from Livro das Fortalezas de Duarte Damas

This image comes from a page of the early
16th-century book called Livro das Fortalezas de
Duarte Damas, and clearly shows a caravel with an
elongated hull and single sterncastle.
Unfortunately, like most ship iconography, the
caravel's hull is only shown from the waterline up.
This makes it difficult to analyze the lower part of
the hull, but does show the relatively low freeboard
these vessels employed. All the sails are furled in
this representation, and the caravel is shown fairly
close to the shore in the original representation.
Note the similarities between this image and those
from the above signatures of the 15th-century

3. Two-mastered caravel from Livro das Fortalezas de
Duarte Damas

On the far left is another caravel from the same
book, although this one wields two lateen-rigged
masts instead of three. Nonetheless, this caravel
has the same elongated and low-riding hull, with a
single sterncastle and gently sloping bow. Again,
the sails are furled, and here the vessels are
anchored by the fortress.
4. Caravels from a luminary in the Chronicles of
King D. Afonso Henriques

Shipbuilding Treatises
Caravels were built differently throughout the
course of their existence. In the 13th century,
these vessels were used primarily as coastal fishing
boats, and may have been adapted from a variety of
small water craft. These include the Arab qârib, as
well as other Muslim Algarvian and Maghrebine models
of lateen-rigged craft made to suit Atlantic sailing
conditions. As they became more adept at voyaging in
the high seas, the caravel became larger and
sturdier. Consequently, methods of construction
changed with the morphological alteration of the
ship. Unfortunately, these early shipbuilding
techniques are largely unknown. Until records of
shipbuilding practices were kept, such information
was safeguarded in the minds of skilled masters who
passed on the traditions orally from generation to
generation, and by shared work experience. However,
the rigid secrecy that was practiced regarding this
specialized knowledge ensured that these traditions
would not survive in writing.
Before the reign of the Christian kings, there was
little mention of shipbuilding in Castilian
documents, and when ships do appear it is usually
only with regard to their names, types, and
occasionally tonnage in “barrels”. However, with the
reign of Charles V (1516-1558) and the expansion of
foreign policy, there was an increase in management
techniques. By the time Phillip II became king, the
Spanish bureaucracy reached maturity. During his
reign (1556-1598), he regulated navigation in
convoy, set a standard for mercantile shipbuilding,
and introduced technical specifications that led to
improvements in safety. He gave incentive to
shipbuilders by exempting sales tax for the
purchasing of shipbuilding materials. Phillip II
also established an efficient system for measuring
the hulls and capacities of ships, and was the first
European monarch to use a prototype to build ships
for the armadas, choosing the galleon as the model.
It is during his reign that the production of
documents recording shipbuilding techniques grew the
The following are some of the
documents that have been published: |
1536, Alonso de Chavez: Espejo de
1560, President Visitador: Papeles
1568, Domingo de Busturria: Memorial
1570, Rodrigo Vargas: Apuntamiento
1575, Juan Escalante de Mendoza:
Ytinerario de navegación de los
mares y
tierras occidentals
1581, Crostobal de Barros y otros:
Discusión de prototipos de galeón
1587, Diego García de Palacio:
Instrucción nautica para el buen uso
regimiento de las naos, su traza y
1607, Ordinanzas de fábricas de
1611, Tomé Cano: Arte para fabricar,
fortificar y aparejar naos
1613, Ordinanzas de fábricas de
1618, Ordinanzas de fábricas de
These documents are useful tools for studying the
history of shipbuilding, but caution must be taken
when interpreting them. The various authors were
influenced by their professions and the extent of
their experience in shipbuilding is largely unknown.
Nevertheless, they give information on raw materials
needed for shipbuilding, as well as dimension and
tonnage of ships.
Manuscripts and treatises concerning shipbuilding
during this period may be more helpful in
understanding how Iberian ships were constructed.
These materials are generally more descriptive (than
mere documents) on how to construct various types of
vessels, and appear to be written by individuals who
spent at least some time in the shipyard. For the
purposes of investigating an Iberian caravel, there
are four works in particular that deserve attention:
Instrucción Náutica, Livro da Fábrica das Naus ,
Livro Náutico, and Livro de Traças de Carpintaria.
These shipbuilding treatises will be discussed in
order to ascertain the methods involved in
constructing a 16th and 17th century caravel. Since
shipbuilding treatises either do not exist, or have
not survived from earlier centuries, it is
impossible to comprehend exactly how earlier vessels
were constructed at this time. Nevertheless,
shipbuilding trends can be examined via the analysis
of these treatises, and hence it may be possible to
acquire vestiges of more ancient techniques through
the corroboration of other lines of evidence.
Examples of other sources include archaeological
remains of other Iberian ships and ethnographic
examples of surviving techniques from the distant
Although there is a dearth of information concerning
the exact procedures for constructing a caravel of
discovery, it is possible to extract information
from the various available shipbuilding treatises
and evaluate the data by comparison. Such an
analysis can provide scholars with at least a rough
idea of how such ships were built according to
contemporary literature on the subject. It is
important to understand that the information gained
from these ancient sources must be taken with the
consideration that many affluent characters
throughout history have taken the liberty to write
about subjects in which they, in reality, know very
little. For this reason, background information
about the authors of the treatises is included when
available. For some treatises the authors are
unknown, for others there is a considerable amount
of biographical information.
The purpose of the following descriptions on Iberian
nautical treatises is to elucidate the particular
information that applies directly to the building of
a caravel. Some of the information presented is
general and concerns Iberian shipbuilding as a
whole, but since specific trends are applied to
caravels as well, it is essential to highlight such
information. An overview of each manuscript is
given, as well as the previously mentioned
biographical information (if it exists), and finally
caravel related data are brought to light.
Livro da Fábrica das Naus by
Fernando Oliveira, AD 1580
Livro de Traças de Carpintaria by
Manoel Fernandez, AD 1616
Livro Primeiro de Arquitectura Naval
by João Baptista Lavanha, circa AD
Livro Náutico Author Unknown
(1) Etayo 1971,
53-4; Elbl 1985, 543.
(2) Lyon 1993,
(3) Elbl 1985,
(4) Elbl 1985,
(5) Elbl 1985,
(6) Edwards
1992, 420.
(7) Michel
1876-70, 1, 153; Elbl 1985, 546.
(8) Elbl 1985,
(9) Baker 1979,
(10) Baker
1979, 10.
(11) Baker
1979, 10.
(12) According
to the instructions set forth for a caravel of
11 rumos in Livro de traças de carpintaria, by
M. Fernandez, 1616, 1995 reprint.
(13) Azevedo
1934; Elbl 1985, 548.
(14) d’Albertis
1892, 41;Elbl 1985, 549. Translation by this
(15) Unger
1980, 212.
(16) Barata
1987, 161.
(17) Barker
2001, 215.
(18) Barata
1987, 167.
(19) The
Spanish are credited as the first to have made
this transition, which was largely done for the
voyages to the New World.
(20) Unger
1980, 214.
(21) Unger
1980, 214.
(22) Casado
Soto 2001, 131.
(23) Casado
Soto 2001, 135.
(24) Casado
Soto 2001, 135.
(25) Castañeda,
Cuesta, and Hernández 1983, 209-23; Casado Soto
2001, 136.
(26) Casada
Soto 1988, 265-70.
(27) Casado
Soto 1998, 362-3.
(28) Casado
Soto 1988, 271-4.
(29) Escalante
de Mendoza 1985, 39-45; Casado Soto 2001, 136.
(30) Casado
Soto 1988, 294-375.
(31) Garcia de
Palacio 1944, fol. 88-109; Casado Soto 2001,
(32) Cano 1964.
(33) Palacio
(34) Oliveira
(35) Fernandez
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