Robert H. Ossian
"The Pirate King"
Born: Unknown
Died: Never! |
Like many kids, Rob
Ossian (the "Pirate
King") came from hearty
Southwestern stock.
Texas, to be precise.
But his parents aren't
inhabitants of the Lone
Star State.No, sir.
Hardworking Clair and Eleanor
Ossian, who are responsible for
the ever-affable yet big-hearted
lug, have both refused to be
interviewed, and when pressed,
won't even admit Rob is their
son. Leaving the dust of his
simple upbringing in the 28th
state behind, Rob embarked on
his incredible journey.First stop: Austin, Texas,
where adult Rob was referred to
as "The Man." There, Rob, while
on scholarship, lent his
fundamentally sound drinking
skills to the University of
Texas ROTC. In what Rob now
refers to as his "learning
years," he led the Big Sky
conference in shooters and mixed
drinks. Rob quickly earned
enough credits to graduate from
the school of hard knocks and
was ready to enter the real
world. After dabbling in the
Oriental silk market, leading a
band of National Geographic
explorers up Mount Kilimanjaro
and teaching comedy traffic
school, Rob returned to the
country he calls home. Once back
in the Americas, Rob used his
first-hand knowledge of sports,
combined with his newfound
expertise of fung-shui he
learned from a Chinese warlord,
and applied them to his career.
First for the Southwest Underwater Archaeological Society and PADI Dive programs in Austin, Texas, where he was instrumental in the creation of what he called the “Tequila Shotgun” which is still implemented by many divers looking for an easy way to claim mental disability. Then Rob worked as Volunteer Coordinator at the Caney Creek excavation in Caney Creek, Texas, where he oversaw countless numbers of volunteers sometimes numbering into the low teens, while also recovering several meaningless and historically insignificant artifacts, including a lawn bowling set with the croquet balls still intact.
Rob's unique ability to never have a bad hair day led him to Cain & Abel’s Bar & Grill, where he served as the "tall, funny" Bar-back on busy game days for a little over a year. But being seen by millions every night wasn't enough for Mr. O. His hard work, determination, and just being "good people" is what lead him to the hustle-bustle and hubbub on the isle called Sadana, Egypt. There, Rob's meteoric rise fit into his humble stride when he landed with both feet firmly on the sandy beaches of Egypt, a mere 200 miles from Caucasian hating militant Arab rebels, where his finely-honed Archaeological skills and Mother Theresa-like need to help others was put to good use.
These days Rob's time is spent enjoying the simple pleasures of Family, margaritas, fine cigars, sailing, and shirts-&-skins games of co-ed water volleyball.
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to read more about this modern
day renaissance man! |
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