Martin Frobisher
English Explorer
Commanding an
expedition to the New World with three English Naval vessels, Martin
Frobisher explored some of the coast of Labrador and Baffin Island in
1576 and discovered the bay that now bears his name. Hew returned to
England with ships filled with ore, with reports that there may be gold
mines waiting in the New World.Hoping that Frobisher Bay was a link to the Northwest Passage and that
gold would be found there, new supporter joined with Frobisher’s
original backers and Queen Elizabeth to fund expeditions in 1577 and
1578. On these trips, Frobisher visited Greenland and Baffin Island,
including Frobisher Bay, and attempted to found a colony there. While
the mining attempts on these expeditions proved unfruitful and
Frobisher’s reputation subsequently declined, his favor with the Queen
still remained positive. In 1585, Frobisher served as the Vice Admiral
in Sir Francis Drake’s expedition to the West Indies. His valor during
the defeat of the Spanish Armada won him a knighthood in 1588. He later
commanded a fleet to the Spanish coast under Sir Walter Raleigh, and in
1594 was mortally wounded while fighting a Spanish force on the western
coast of France. Due to his courage, leadership, success as a military
commander, Frobisher was considered one of the ablest seaman of his
time. |
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